O MIT crea o Centro para a Intelixencia Colectiva

Os recentes éxitos do traballo colectivo a través da web 2.0 representados por aplicacións como Wikipedia ou Google son o incentivo para que o Massachussets Institute of Technology fundara o Center for Collective Inteligence:

While people have talked about collective intelligence for decades, new communication technologies—especially the Internet—now allow huge numbers of people all over the planet to work together in new ways (…) and the goal of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence is to understand how to take advantage of these possibilities.

Our basic research question is: How can people and computers be connected so that—collectively—they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done before?

Para comezar, o Centro lanzou un Manual de Intelixencia Colectiva, no que asentan parte das metodoloxías de investigación coas que operarán.

Vía Smart Mobs

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