democratizar a innovación


Entrevista a Eric Von Hippel:

What do you mean when you say innovation is becoming democratized?

I mean that product and service users-both individuals and firms-are increasingly able to innovate for themselves. Open source software has brought this phenomenon to general academic attention. However, I and my colleagues find that innovation is actually being democratized quite broadly: this is the case for physical products as well as information products like software. I think that this trend is a “good thing.” It seems to me that user-centered innovation processes offer great advantages over the manufacturer-centric innovation development systems that have been the mainstay of commerce for hundreds of years. Users that innovate can develop exactly what they want, rather than relying on manufacturers to act as their (often very imperfect) agents. (máis)

Hippel, profesor de Xestión no MIT, vén de editar o libro Democratizing the innovation, que analiza os procesos polos cales son os usuarios os que están a liderar as melloras nos produtos, especialmente no software. Pódese descargar by the face con licenza CC na MIT Press.

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